Whole Hog 2025 is back on March 29th! Get your tickets today!

Every Little Blessing's Beginning

Every time a new baby with Down syndrome is born in El Paso, a welcome committee of DSCEP parents brings a gift basket to the hospital. As our mission states, the DSCEP is dedicated to providing resources and support to individuals with Down syndrome and their families.

Resources for Parents

The Down Syndrome Coalition for El Paso understands the unique challenges and concerns you face as you navigate parenthood with a child with Down syndrome. You aren’t alone. Our community is made up of families and children of varying ages, races, religious beliefs, and socioeconomic levels. Explore the links below to find local and national resources.

Every Little Blessing

El Paso Early Childhood Intervention

Paso Del Norte Children’s Development Center

Education Service Center - Region 19

National Down Syndrome Society
National Down Syndrome Congress
Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network

Figure Skating with Coach Paola For more information Contact: (915) 999-8774


The Disability Policy Seminar will be held virtually this year. This is a great opportunity to get the information without the cost of a trip to Washington D.C. You can get more information at the link below.

Disability Policy Seminar March 28-30, 2022


Global Down Syndrome Foundation COVID-19 resources

National Down Syndrome Congress COVID-19 and Down syndrome resources

National Down Syndrome Society COVID-19

NDSC document on hospital visitation rights

Details about all COVID-related medical rationing complaints that have been filed and their outcomes.


Here are some great ideas for potty training children with special needs.

Potty Training Tips by Jessica Quinn